Tôi muốn tất cả url của mình kết thúc bằng dấu gạch chéo.
Nhưng tôi đang gặp sự cố khi có chu kỳ chuyển hướng.
Ví dụ: https://mysite.com/blog -> http://mysite.com/blog/ -> https://mysite.com/blog/
Vì vậy, có một chuyển hướng không cần thiết từ giao thức https sang http.
Lúc đầu tôi nghĩ rằng đó là gatsby-plugin-force-traling-slashes
, trang web được xây dựng bằng Drupal9 + Gatsby. Tôi đã xóa phần bổ trợ này, nhưng chuyển hướng vẫn tiếp tục. Sau đó, tôi nghĩ rằng nó có thể là một cái gì đó trong chuyển hướng gatsby. Về cơ bản, tôi có plugin, vì vậy khi xây dựng gatsby sẽ tạo tệp .htaccess có chuyển hướng. Vì vậy, tôi đã xóa tất cả các chuyển hướng này, nhưng các chuyển hướng vẫn tiếp tục. Sau đó, tôi đã cố gắng nói chuyện với các nhà phát triển, anh ấy đã kiểm tra mọi thứ trong máy chủ và nói rằng máy chủ không thể thực hiện các chuyển hướng này. Nhưng anh ấy nói với tôi rằng có một tệp .htaccess khác trong thư mục web/.
Vì vậy, tôi phát hiện ra đây là tệp .htaccess của drupal.
Đây là quy tắc viết lại:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# Set "protossl" to "s" if we were accessed via https://. This is used later
# if you enable "www." stripping or enforcement, in order to ensure that
# you don't bounce between http and https.
RewriteRule ^ - [E=protossl]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteRule ^ - [E=protossl:s]
# Make sure Authorization HTTP header is available to PHP
# even when running as CGI or FastCGI.
RewriteRule ^ - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
# Block access to "hidden" directories whose names begin with a period. This
# includes directories used by version control systems such as Subversion or
# Git to store control files. Files whose names begin with a period, as well
# as the control files used by CVS, are protected by the FilesMatch directive
# above.
# NOTE: This only works when mod_rewrite is loaded. Without mod_rewrite, it is
# not possible to block access to entire directories from .htaccess because
# <DirectoryMatch> is not allowed here.
# If you do not have mod_rewrite installed, you should remove these
# directories from your webroot or otherwise protect them from being
# downloaded.
RewriteRule "/\.|^\.(?!well-known/)" - [F]
# If your site can be accessed both with and without the 'www.' prefix, you
# can use one of the following settings to redirect users to your preferred
# URL, either WITH or WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix. Choose ONLY one option:
# To redirect all users to access the site WITH the 'www.' prefix,
# (http://example.com/foo will be redirected to http://www.example.com/foo)
# uncomment the following:
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
# RewriteRule ^ http%{ENV:protossl}://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
# To redirect all users to access the site WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix,
# (http://www.example.com/foo will be redirected to http://example.com/foo)
# uncomment the following:
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]
# RewriteRule ^ http%{ENV:protossl}://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
# Modify the RewriteBase if you are using Drupal in a subdirectory or in a
# VirtualDocumentRoot and the rewrite rules are not working properly.
# For example if your site is at http://example.com/drupal uncomment and
# modify the following line:
# RewriteBase /drupal
# If your site is running in a VirtualDocumentRoot at http://example.com/,
# uncomment the following line:
# RewriteBase /
# Redirect common PHP files to their new locations.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?/(install\.php) [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?/(rebuild\.php)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !core
RewriteRule ^ %1/core/%2 [L,QSA,R=301]
# Rewrite install.php during installation to see if mod_rewrite is working
RewriteRule ^core/install\.php core/install.php?rewrite=ok [QSA,L]
# Pass all requests not referring directly to files in the filesystem to
# index.php.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
# For security reasons, deny access to other PHP files on public sites.
# Note: The following URI conditions are not anchored at the start (^),
# because Drupal may be located in a subdirectory. To further improve
# security, you can replace '!/' with '!^/'.
# Allow access to PHP files in /core (like authorize.php or install.php):
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/core/[^/]*\.php$
# Allow access to test-specific PHP files:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/core/modules/system/tests/https?\.php
# Allow access to Statistics module's custom front controller.
# Copy and adapt this rule to directly execute PHP files in contributed or
# custom modules or to run another PHP application in the same directory.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/core/modules/statistics/statistics\.php$
# Deny access to any other PHP files that do not match the rules above.
# Specifically, disallow autoload.php from being served directly.
RewriteRule "^(.+/.*|autoload)\.php($|/)" - [F]
# Rules to correctly serve gzip compressed CSS and JS files.
# Requires both mod_rewrite and mod_headers to be enabled.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
# Serve gzip compressed CSS files if they exist and the client accepts gzip.
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.gz -s
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.css $1\.css\.gz [QSA]
# Serve gzip compressed JS files if they exist and the client accepts gzip.
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.gz -s
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.js $1\.js\.gz [QSA]
# Serve correct content types, and prevent double compression.
RewriteRule \.css\.gz$ - [T=text/css,E=no-gzip:1,E=no-brotli:1]
RewriteRule \.js\.gz$ - [T=text/javascript,E=no-gzip:1,E=no-brotli:1]
<FilesMatch "(\.js\.gz|\.css\.gz)$">
# Serve correct encoding type.
Header set Content-Encoding gzip
# Force proxies to cache gzipped & non-gzipped css/js files separately.
Header append Vary Accept-Encoding
Ai đó có thể giúp tôi và cho biết liệu có quy tắc nào chuyển hướng như vậy từ giao thức https sang http không? Tôi không thực sự giỏi trong việc viết lại các quy tắc và trong drupal.